The safety and well-being of our family/staff and our golfers is our number one priority and for this reason we have enacted the following measures and precautions that must be adhered too; for us to remain open for the 2022 golf season.
Things to know before coming to the golf course with COVID restrictions:
If you are feeling sick/showing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, please do not come to the golf course or if you have been around someone that has recently tested positive for COVID-19, please remain at home. STAY AT HOME & IN ISOLATION!!
Tee off times are not being taken for Scottish Highlands, first come first serve
We are accepting Debt, Visa, MasterCard & Cash - exact amount will be accepted.
We encourage golfers to maintain guidelines on social distancing during their round.
Please note: that we all need to continue to do our part to keep things safe will playing golf at Scottish Highlands.
At the golf course:
Please do not gather in groups, remain at your vehicle until the trailer is clear of other golfers and likewise until the tee off is open to start on.
Restroom will remain open with sanitation in these areas each day. SANITIZING YOUR HANDS PRIOR TO & FOLLOWING THE USE OF WASHROOM –A MUST.
Use social distancing from your playing partners. There will be no close interaction amongst golfers (ie – no hand shaking, touching partners golf balls, clubs, pin, etc.)
Do not pick up your playing partner’s clubs/golf ball on the green after the hole is complete.
We ask you to please forgo the traditional after round handshake.
Golfers are to wait in their cars/parking lot, until instructed that they can tee off
Note: club rentals will not be available at this time
We will be adding a pool noodle to the cup, wrapped around the flag pole, creating a Gimme putt. Please do not remove the flag sticks from the cup during your round.
After your round:
We ask you to kindly take home any garbage you have created during your golf round, or be sure to throw away all of your trash, in the garbage cans (avoiding any touch points); not discarded on the ground –PLEASE.
Please sanitize your hands immediately following your round. Hand sanitizer has been placed outside of the trailer
We kindly ask that you depart for home right after your golf round, no loitering – Please.
We do welcome a friendly wave or smile from the comfort of your vehicle upon your departure.